A downloadable game for Windows

***Computer Recommendations Below***

Backyard Cricket VR is an Early Access Virtual Reality game using The Vive, that simulates Backyard Cricket.  For beginners or even the skilled enthusiast we want to provide a great environment to sharpen up the skills or practice the basics.

Striking the ball strategically to areas with the most runs and bonus areas located around the yard for additional runs.  Customize what is out in the yard, hitting the tree on the full is out or not? its up to you!  choose from 5 maps with different bonus areas. 

The bowler has different levels of pace, and different degree of spin as the difficulty goes up.  choosing the right pace for you to challenge yourself or want to tonk it around the backyard and have a good time. 

This Game has only been tested on 

(we will be testing on lower specs soon)

- Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4820k CPU @ 3.70ghz, 3600 MHz, 4 Core(s)

- 16gig Ram

-  Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070

- 215MB of hard Disk Space


Backyard Cricket VR 105 MB

Install instructions

Unzip the file and Run the Executable :) 

Development log